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Excellence In Software For Over Twenty Years – Only with a Mac

Press Release for 24 Jan 1994

Peter N Lewis announces Anarchie 1.1

Anarchie v1.1.0 is an Archie client and anonymous FTP client for the Mac. It is (IMO) the easiest way for users with MacTCP to fetch a file with a partially known name or to browse around the anonymous FTP archives. It includes a menu listing all the Archie servers, as well as FTP bookmarks for all the popular Macintosh FTP sites (including around 30 mirrors to Umich and Info-Mac).

And as an added bonus, its Apple Scriptable and Recordable, and the scripting allows you to fetch and store files to/from FTP sites, so you can automate all sorts of routine FTP tasks. If you have Frontier, it supports Menu Sharing as well (and comes with a bunch of stuff from Leonard Rosenthol to get you started).

Changes since v1.0.0 are many and varied and include:

Bug fixes:

New Features:

Anarchie requires System 7, MacTCP, and is $10 shareware.

Hope you like it, Peter.

Anarchie v1.1.0 Copyright 1993-94 Peter N Lewis

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