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Keyboard Maestro 6.4.8

Version 6.4.8 was released today, largely to work around a number of problematic Yosemite bugs.

Yosemite bugs causes the Speak Text action to complete immediately (before speaking), the popup menus to turn white when you hover over them, and lock up in the reachability API after sleep. These and the welcome screen display should be resolved for Yosemite now.

There is no way to fix the Yosemite Accessibility permission bugs (this is a buggy Apple security facility, and if we could fix a security facility, then it would be even more buggy!). However version 6.4.8 adds some more help in working through this bug.

There are also a number of other small changes that snuck in to what is hopefully the last version on Keyboard Maestro 6.x. There is now a limit on the Undo stack size, support for the Corsair K95 G keys, you can use up to 9999 Seconds/Minutes/Hours in the While Logged In Trigger, and a couple spelling mistakes have been fixed.

Also, this version resolves some issues with the Image processing actions on Retina Macs.

Posted Tuesday, January 13, 2015. Permalink. Post a Comment.


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