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OS X Yosemite

OS X Yosemite is now available and Keyboard Maestro is, for all practical purposes, fully compatible with Yosemite. In fact, Keyboard Maestro versions going back as far as version 2.x still work fine on Yosemite.

I've been running on the Yosemite betas since the first developer release, and while Yosemite has a few issues, it is basically solid.

There are, however, two cosmetic bugs in Yosemite that affect Keyboard Maestro version 4.0 and up. One is a weird flashing of the focus ring in some fields, and another more obvious ones is that the popup menus used in most Keyboard Maestro actions turn white (almost invisible) when you hover over them. Both of these have been reported to Apple, and it is disappointing they were not fixed before the release of Yosemite. Still, they are cosmetic only, so other than being slightly irritating they do not affect the behaviour ofKeyboard Maestro.

There is a bug in the NSSpeechSynthesizer that returns isPlaying as false immediately. This means the Speak Text Action in Keyboard Maestro finishes immediately, so the text is not spoken. As a workaround, you can set a variable named "Text to Speak" to the text you want, then you can use the Execute Shell Script action with the command: say "$KMVAR_Text_to_Speak"

There is also a bug in the Yosemite accessibility setting system which can cause problems allowing accessibility access to applications including the Keyboard Maestro Engine, see the Troubleshooting Yosemite GM and Accessibility Settings Problems section on the wiki for a workaround. This is a further regression from the Mavericks accessibility settings which frequently required a restart after making the changes before they would be properly applied.

One hopes that these bugs will be quickly remedied in future releases of Yosemite.

Updated Saturday, October 18, 2014 at 12:00 AM. Permalink. Post a Comment.


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