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Stairways Software

Excellence In Software For Over Twenty Years – Only with a Mac

First Post

Well, we finally created a blog.

It‘s a shame we didn’t have it a few days ago, then I would have had a place to rant about DNS denial of service attacks taking out our web site (although, of course, no one would have been able to read about it at the time...).

Like most things we do at Stairways, this blog is hand crafted. Sometimes, that is a bad thing, it means everything is new and it can take a few goes to get perfect.

But mostly it is a good thing, it means we can fix any problems, make things exactly the way they should be, and are not constrained by limitations imposed by others.

The comment system is currently open, we’ll see how that goes to determine if we need to restrict things. To try to avoid that, we’ve allowed you to request any comment be deleted (if you do, it will be temporarily removed until we can look at it).

I’ve also added some nice “Web 2.0” live previewing to the comment system. Simple but effective.

If you have a problem, leave a comment, or use the feedback link, or just email me.

As for content, well, like most blogs, it’ll be fairly freeform, probably talking about Stairways and what’s happening with us, talking about Matthew’s upcoming wedding to the lovely Natalie, and perhaps some bits on the joys (and otherwise) of parenting and toddlers. And if we’re lucky, Matthew will grace us with some of his spectacular rants.

Posted Tuesday, May 9, 2006. Permalink. 17 Comments.


I'm not sure that your blog is working correctly: all I see in NetNewsWire when I click on the article is "Announcing our new Stairways Software blog." Shouldn't I be seeing the contents of the entire first post?

Posted Tuesday, May 9, 2006 05:13 AM by Odysseus. Request Moderation.

So where will the blog show up in the navbar on the right? In the "Information" section?

Posted Tuesday, May 9, 2006 05:59 AM by Harmon B. Abrahamson. Request Moderation.

It seems to be working OK for me, but the default font if really small using Safari.

Posted Tuesday, May 9, 2006 06:03 AM by Corentin. Request Moderation.

My browser sees the RSS feed, but there is no obviousl ink I could click or copy to subscribe to the feed in another application...


PS: The live preview for comments is really impressive :-)

Posted Tuesday, May 9, 2006 06:06 AM by Corentin. Request Moderation.

The note when you request moderation is "Resquesting moderation." You might want to correct the spelling.

Posted Tuesday, May 9, 2006 06:24 AM by Harmon B. Abrahamson. Request Moderation.

I wish it had the possibility to provide RSS or e-mail notifications for comments as well...

Posted Tuesday, May 9, 2006 08:51 AM by Corentin. Request Moderation.

Nice first attempt.

Posted Tuesday, May 9, 2006 11:11 AM by Phillip M Jones. Request Moderation.

Very nice! works fine without any problems.

Posted Tuesday, May 9, 2006 02:26 PM by Dirk Plötzner. Request Moderation.

Odysseus: The basic RSS feed shows just article summaries, I have added a full content feed at (there is a link at the bottom of the blog page).

Corentin: The font is a bit small, what do others think?

Harmon: I’ve fixed the “Resquesting” misspelling, thanks!

Corentin: Each article page has an RSS feed of the comments, I’ve made that more prominent by adding a RSS link to the status line.

Posted Tuesday, May 9, 2006 07:31 PM by Peter N Lewis. Request Moderation.

The font size is the same as the rest of the stairways site. Its a little on the small side, maybe because its set to 75% of 'small' in standard.css.

Posted Tuesday, May 9, 2006 09:37 PM by bruce Bowden. Request Moderation.

I agree the font size is quite small in Safari.

Posted Wednesday, May 10, 2006 05:57 AM by Mark Johnson. Request Moderation.


It is a pleasure to see your blog. I have enjoyed your software since the mid-90s when I used it on my Mac SE. In fact, I recall that you compiled a 68000 version of anarchie for me after you'd gone to a 68030 or higher binary that I couldn't run. Keep up the good work!


Posted Thursday, May 11, 2006 08:43 AM by Matthew Smith. Request Moderation.

I’ve bumped the size of the font up a little. The standard.css file defines the base font to be “small” as recommended by Dan Cederholm’s excellent Bulletproof Web Design. Our site is also designed (following Dan’s recommendations) so you can increase/decrease the font size using the browser controls, and for the most part it just scales the site.

Posted Friday, May 12, 2006 12:14 AM by Peter N Lewis. Request Moderation.

Matthew - Thanks! Yes, it was in 1995, a problem with NetPresenz not fully handling the lack of Color QuickDraw on the SE. Now that’s going back a bit!

Posted Friday, May 12, 2006 12:16 AM by Peter N Lewis. Request Moderation.

For anyone getting this via RSS, please note that you are tracking the RSS feed specific to our “First Post” article (each article has its own RSS feed to track comments). The actual Stairways blog is at and the RSS feed is at for the summaries or for the full text.

Posted Friday, May 12, 2006 12:21 AM by Peter N Lewis. Request Moderation.

It's a great site,very cool,I like it,thanks.




Posted Friday, June 23, 2006 02:04 AM by 虚拟主机. Request Moderation.

It is a pleasure to see your blog. I have enjoyed your software since the mid-90s when I used it on my Mac SE. In fact, I recall that you compiled a 68000 version of anarchie for me after you'd gone to a 68030 or higher binary that I couldn't run. Keep up the good work!

Posted Thursday, July 26, 2007 04:15 AM by Like.

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