Press Release for 22 Jun 2016
Stairways Software releases Keyboard Maestro 7.2
Perth, Western Australia - 22 June 2016 - Stairways Software Pty Ltd is pleased to announce Keyboard Maestro 7.2, the new version of its powerful productivity enhancer for OS X.
Version 7.2 adds support for variable array access like %Variable%Var[5]%, as well as new text processing functions like CALCULATE, CHARACTERS, WORDS, and LINES.
This version also adds some new searching filters, as well as options for alphabetic comparison in various string conditions.
There is a new Evergreen palette theme, and many other improvements.
Keyboard Maestro 7.x requires OS X Yosemite 10.10.0 or later.
Changes in 7.2
- Added token variable array access like %Variable%Var[5]%
- Added 'is before' and 'is after' to Clipboard, Text, Script, Environment and Variable conditions.
- Added 'is before' and 'is after' to Switch case conditions.
- Added CALCULATE() function which processes token text and then calculates.
- Added CHARACTERS(), WORDS(), LINES() functions which process token text.
- Added trigger: and hotkey: search filters.
- Added name: search filter.
- Added Evergreen palette theme thanks to @iampariah on the forum.
- Added Reopen Windows option to Application Switcher.
- Clipboards display plain text when rich text is blank and plain text is not.
- Use canonical order of modifiers with Smart Group searching.
- Allow Private Use Characters (like [APPLE]) in Typed String triggers.
- Make the All Macros Smart Group immutable.
- Macros take on the icon of the action if there is a single non-comment icon.
- Add "Delay" as synonym for Pause/Wait when searching for actions.
- Better file name for exports of more than one macro.
- Show calculation in Set Variable to Calculation title.
- Support text token expansion in Substrings In.
- Focus on key input field when Type a Keystroke action is added but not when disclosed.
- Defend against a crash when the system cannot find a running application.
- Added Write/Append File disable backslash or text token processing option.
- Added Insert/Display Text disable backslash or text token processing option.
- Added Set Clipboard to Text disable backslash or text token processing option.
- Fixed Set Variable to Text disable backslash or text token processing option.
- Fixed code signing issue for macOS sierra.
- Fix wiki help links for File and Plug In actions.
- Fix variables with unicode characters in calculations.
- Fixed an issue with the rotating status icon when the editor was also performing tasks.
- Avoid filling the log up complaining about missing optional Results field in Plug In Actions.
- Fixed a display glitch in Plug In Actions.
- Deleting the first item of the clipboard history did not trigger the Clipboard Changed trigger.
- Adjust Prompt For User Input action to not set default keys for incorrectly "Cancel Macro" flagged buttons.
- Fixed a bug in Typed String triggers after a simulated delete and optional non-ASCII character.
- Use localizedStandardCompare for palette ordering.
- Added %ExecutingThisMacro%, %ExecutingThisMacroGroup%, %ExecutingThisMacroUUID% tokens.
- Added %FinderInsertionLocation% token (usually path to front Finder window).
- Fixed an issue tracking window changes immediately after the app is launched.
- Fixed Set Action Delay for This Macro to apply to the whole macro, not just the action list.
- Fixed issue with %TriggerValue% for focused window changes trigger.
- Fixed Set Macro Enable not causing palettes to adjust.
- Fixed Press Command, Press Tab, Release Command, Release Tab bug.
- Fixed line count to include blank lines.
- Fix spelling of 'focused'.
Keyboard Maestro is engineered by Stairways Software Pty Ltd and distributed by FastSpring. Keyboard Maestro is licensed on a per user basis, and an individual user can use it on five Macs.
New customers can purchase Keyboard Maestro from <> for US$36. Customers with five or more users should contact us for a volume discount quote.
Customers who purchased Keyboard Maestro directly from us after January 1, 2015 have been issued a free upgrade to Keyboard Maestro 7. If you have not received your free license, you can find your free license upgrade at <>.
Customers who purchased Keyboard Maestro version 6 prior to 2015 or who purchased older versions of Keyboard Maestro can upgrade to Keyboard Maestro 7 for US$25. If you have not received your instructions on how to upgrade, you can find details by looking up your Keyboard_Maestro license at <>.
Keyboard Maestro 7 is not available from the Mac App Store (and probably never will be).
A fully-functional unlicensed trial version of Keyboard Maestro can be downloaded from <>.
For sales enquires, volume purchases, customer service, technical support, or to contact project management, our current contact information is listed at <>.
Extensive online documentation on Keyboard Maestro can be found at <> and on the wiki at <> and forum at <>.
A brief taste of Keyboard Maestro in action can be found at <>.
For more information about anything to do with Keyboard Maestro visit <>.
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