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Stairways Software

Excellence In Software For Over Twenty Years – Only with a Mac

Press Releases

Stairways Software releases Keyboard Maestro 11.0.3 - 21 May 2024
Stairways Software today released Keyboard Maestro version 11.0.3 with some minor improvements.

Stairways Software releases Keyboard Maestro 11.0.2 - 5 December 2023
Stairways Software today released Keyboard Maestro version 11.0.2 resolving some minor issues.

Stairways Software releases Keyboard Maestro 11.0.1 - 7 November 2023
Stairways Software today released Keyboard Maestro version 11.0.1 resolving some minor issues.

Stairways Software releases Keyboard Maestro 11 - 24 October 2023
Stairways Software today released Keyboard Maestro version 11.0 adding a New Macro Wizard, new Security preference pane, a keyboardmaestro command line tool, support for Apple Text Recognition, and new actions like Prompt For Snippet, Create Calendar Event, Send Pushover Notification, Select Menu by Name and many more.

Stairways Software releases Keyboard Maestro 10.2 - 6 September 2022
Stairways Software today released Keyboard Maestro extending the Prompt With List and Press Button actions, and adding various other facilities.

Stairways Software releases Keyboard Maestro 10.1.1 - 19 May 2022
Stairways Software today released Keyboard Maestro fixing a minor issue.

Stairways Software releases Keyboard Maestro 10.1 - 17 May 2022
Stairways Software today released Keyboard Maestro version 10.1 adding native support for Monterey Shortcuts.

Stairways Software releases Keyboard Maestro 10.0.2 - 7 December 2021
Stairways Software today released Keyboard Maestro version 10.0.2 adding some minor improvements and fixes.

Stairways Software releases Keyboard Maestro 10.0.1 - 16 November 2021
Stairways Software today released Keyboard Maestro version 10.0.1 fixing a few issues in the 10.0 release, and more.

Stairways Software releases Keyboard Maestro 10.0 - 2 November 2021
Stairways Software today released Keyboard Maestro version 10.0 adding support for showing information in the menu bar, customizable favorite actions, OCRing selected areas, Paste by Name, Subroutines, enhanced form input, exporting to Text Services and Finder Quick Actions, and more.

Stairways Software releases Keyboard Maestro 9.2 - 8 January 2021
Stairways Software today released Keyboard Maestro version 9.2 with Set File Icon action and other changes.

Stairways Software releases Keyboard Maestro 9.1 - 13 November 2020
Stairways Software today released Keyboard Maestro version 9.1 with native Apple Silicon support.

Stairways Software releases Keyboard Maestro 9.0.6 - 3 August 2020
Stairways Software today released Keyboard Maestro version 9.0.6 with some minor improvements.

Stairways Software releases Keyboard Maestro 9.0.5 - 26 February 2020
Stairways Software today released Keyboard Maestro version 9.0.5 with some minor improvements.

Stairways Software releases Keyboard Maestro 9.0.4 - 3 December 2019
Stairways Software today released Keyboard Maestro version 9.0.4 with some minor improvements.

Stairways Software releases Keyboard Maestro 9.0.3 - 11 October 2019
Stairways Software today released Keyboard Maestro version 9.0.3 resolving a variety of minor issues.

Stairways Software releases Keyboard Maestro 9.0.2 - 12 September 2019
Stairways Software today released Keyboard Maestro version 9.0.2 resolving a variety of minor issues.

Stairways Software releases Keyboard Maestro 9.0.1 - 26 August 2019
Stairways Software today released Keyboard Maestro version 9.0.1 resolving a variety of minor issues.

Stairways Software releases Keyboard Maestro 9.0 - 13 August 2019
Stairways Software today released Keyboard Maestro version 9.0 adding support for Dark Mode, multiple editor windows, JSON, OCR, Stream Deck, and extended regex, as well as adding triggers, many actions, more palette themes, enhancing the editor and the clipboard switcher, improving performance, and more.

Stairways Software releases Keyboard Maestro 8.2.4 - 6 August 2018
Stairways Software today released Keyboard Maestro version 8.2.4 improving behaviour in Mojave when Accessibility Permissions are first enabled.

Stairways Software releases Keyboard Maestro 8.2.3 - 27 July 2018
Stairways Software today released Keyboard Maestro version 8.2.3 fixing a crash in the editor introduced in 8.2.2 and other improvements.

Stairways Software releases Keyboard Maestro 8.2.2 - 12 July 2018
Stairways Software today released Keyboard Maestro version 8.2.2 with a new search filters and some other minor improvements.

Stairways Software releases Keyboard Maestro 8.2.1 - 4 May 2018
Stairways Software today released Keyboard Maestro version 8.2.1 with a new search filters and some other minor improvements.

Stairways Software releases Keyboard Maestro 8.2 - 22 March 2018
Stairways Software today released Keyboard Maestro version 8.2 with a new Applications Palette and Dragged File triggers.

Stairways Software releases Keyboard Maestro 8.1.1 - 20 February 2018
Stairways Software today released Keyboard Maestro version 8.1.1 fixes a few issues introduced in 8.1.

Stairways Software releases Keyboard Maestro 8.1 - 19 February 2018
Stairways Software today released Keyboard Maestro version 8.1 adds enhancements to the Prompt With List action and some other improvements.

Stairways Software releases Keyboard Maestro 8.0.5 - 29 January 2018
Stairways Software today released Keyboard Maestro version 8.0.5 adds support for frames in the web browser actions and some other improvements.

Stairways Software releases Keyboard Maestro 8.0.4 - 6 November 2017
Stairways Software today released Keyboard Maestro version 8.0.4 adding some improvements.

Stairways Software releases Keyboard Maestro 8.0.3 - 4 October 2017
Stairways Software today released Keyboard Maestro version 8.0.3 resolving a number of issues.

Stairways Software releases Keyboard Maestro 8.0.2 - 28 September 2017
Stairways Software today released Keyboard Maestro version 8.0.2 resolving a number of issues.

Stairways Software releases Keyboard Maestro 8.0.1 - 22 September 2017
Stairways Software today released Keyboard Maestro version 8.0.1 resolving a number of issues.

Stairways Software releases Keyboard Maestro 8.0 - 19 September 2017
Stairways Software today released Keyboard Maestro version 8.0 enhancing the editor, expanded MIDI support, adding comprehensive AppleScript support, revamping the clipboard switchers, adding Gesture, Cron and Remote triggers, lots of new actions and additions to the engine, and much more.

Stairways Software releases Keyboard Maestro 7.3.1 - 25 October 2016
Stairways Software today released Keyboard Maestro version 7.3.1 with Sierra tweaks and other bug fixes.

Stairways Software releases Keyboard Maestro 7.3 - 12 September 2016
Stairways Software today released Keyboard Maestro version 7.3 with Sierra improvements and other new features.

Stairways Software releases Keyboard Maestro 7.2.1 - 2 August 2016
Stairways Software today released Keyboard Maestro version 7.2.1 with various minor fixes and enhancements.

Stairways Software releases Keyboard Maestro 7.2 - 22 June 2016
Stairways Software today released Keyboard Maestro version 7.2 adding variable array access and token text functions and more.

Stairways Software releases Keyboard Maestro 7.1.1 - 4 May 2016
Stairways Software today released Keyboard Maestro version 7.1.1 fixing a number of minor issues.

Stairways Software releases Keyboard Maestro 7.1 - 27 April 2016
Stairways Software today released Keyboard Maestro version 7.1 improving the Custom HTML Prompt, enhancing security and a number of other issues.

Stairways Software releases Keyboard Maestro 7.0.3 - 5 January 2016
Stairways Software today released Keyboard Maestro version 7.0.3 fixing a number of issues.

Stairways Software releases Keyboard Maestro 7.0.2 - 1 December 2015
Stairways Software today released Keyboard Maestro version 7.0.2 fixing a bunch of issues.

Stairways Software releases Keyboard Maestro 7.0.1 - 18 August 2015
Stairways Software today released Keyboard Maestro version 7.0.1 fixing a bunch of issues.

Stairways Software releases Keyboard Maestro 7.0 - 22 July 2015
Stairways Software today released Keyboard Maestro version 7.0 adding Smart Groups, autocomplete, themed palettes, window targeting, folder change triggers, and much more.

Stairways Software releases Keyboard Maestro 6.4.8 - 13 January 2015
Stairways Software today released Keyboard Maestro version 6.4.8 resolving or working around a number of Yosemite bugs.

Stairways Software releases Keyboard Maestro 6.4.7 - 5 September 2014
Stairways Software today released Keyboard Maestro version 6.4.7 resolving a potential editor crash.

Stairways Software releases Keyboard Maestro 6.4.6 - 4 August 2014
Stairways Software today released Keyboard Maestro version 6.4.6 resolving a problem with the Fast User Switch action.

Stairways Software releases Keyboard Maestro 6.4.5 - 23 July 2014
Stairways Software today released Keyboard Maestro version 6.4.5 resolving a crash in Trigger Macro by Name.

Stairways Software releases Keyboard Maestro 6.4.4 - 22 July 2014
Stairways Software today released Keyboard Maestro version 6.4.4 resolving a number of minor issues.

Stairways Software releases Keyboard Maestro 6.4.3 - 3 June 2014
Stairways Software today released Keyboard Maestro version 6.4.3 resolving a number of minor issues.

Stairways Software releases Keyboard Maestro 6.4.2 - 22 May 2014
Stairways Software today released Keyboard Maestro version 6.4.2 resolving a number of minor issues.

Stairways Software releases Keyboard Maestro 6.4.1 - 15 April 2014
Stairways Software today released Keyboard Maestro version 6.4.1 resolving a number of minor issues.

Stairways Software releases Keyboard Maestro 6.4 - 26 March 2014
Stairways Software today released Keyboard Maestro version 6.4 adding Mavericks Tags support, lots of VoiceOver/Accessibility improvements, asynchronous executions, semaphores and more.

Stairways Software releases Keyboard Maestro 6.3.2 - 21 November 2013
Stairways Software today released Keyboard Maestro version 6.3.2 fixing a code signing issue.

Stairways Software releases Keyboard Maestro 6.3.1 - 20 November 2013
Stairways Software today released Keyboard Maestro version 6.3.1 fixing a number of minor issues.

Stairways Software releases Keyboard Maestro 6.3 - 12 November 2013
Stairways Software today released Keyboard Maestro version 6.3 enhancing the Typed String trigger, adding Substring collection, resolving Volume Control action issues, and more.

Stairways Software releases Keyboard Maestro 6.2 - 21 August 2013
Stairways Software today released Keyboard Maestro version 6.2 adding Mail actions, tokens and functions, formatting AppleScript, Reveal in Finder action, and more.

Stairways Software releases Keyboard Maestro 6.1 - 4 July 2013
Stairways Software today released Keyboard Maestro version 6.1 adding web browser control of checkboxes and radio buttons, concealing potential passwords in the clipboard history, cancelling a macro (subroutine) or loop, and more.

Stairways Software releases Keyboard Maestro 6.0.1 - 7 June 2013
Stairways Software today released Keyboard Maestro version 6.0.1 resolving a number of minor issues.

Stairways Software releases Keyboard Maestro 6.0 - 21 May 2013
Stairways Software today released Keyboard Maestro version 6.0 adding macro syncing, plug in actions, trigger by name, full support for styled text, support for controlling Safari and Google Chrome, a macro debugger, and much more.

Stairways Software releases Keyboard Maestro 5.3.2 - 30 July 2012
Stairways Software today released Keyboard Maestro version 5.3.2 resolving a crashing bug with device key triggers on Mountain Lion and a number of minor issues.

Stairways Software releases Keyboard Maestro 5.3.1 - 9 July 2012
Stairways Software today released Keyboard Maestro version 5.3.1 resolving a number of minor issues.

Stairways Software releases Keyboard Maestro 5.3 - 22 May 2012
Stairways Software today released Keyboard Maestro version 5.3 adding a plethora of Image manipulation actions, enhancing the Mouse Click action (including allowing drag and clicking relative to a found image on the screen), adding a screen capture action and screen contains image condition, a new highlight screen location action and more.

Stairways Software releases Keyboard Maestro 5.2 - 19 April 2012
Stairways Software today released Keyboard Maestro version 5.2 adding a plethora of File actions, new filters, new tokens, new functions and other improvements.

Stairways Software releases Keyboard Maestro 5.1 - 20 March 2012
Stairways Software today released Keyboard Maestro version 5.1 adding a new For Each action and other improvements.

Stairways Software releases Keyboard Maestro 5.0.3 - 12 October 2011
Stairways Software today released Keyboard Maestro version 5.0.3 resolving a number of minor issues.

Stairways Software releases Keyboard Maestro 5.0.1 - 19 July 2011
Stairways Software today released Keyboard Maestro version 5.0.1 resolving a number of minor issues.

Stairways Software releases Keyboard Maestro 5.0 - 4 July 2011
Stairways Software today released Keyboard Maestro version 5.0 adding an incredible breadth and depth of power with almost no increase in complexity.

Stairways Software releases Sight Words 1.0 on the Mac App Store - 2 February 2011
Stairways Software today released Sight Words 1.0, a great way for children quickly and easily learn the most common English words.

Stairways Software releases Mounties Feedback Trainer 1.0 on the Mac App Store - 24 January 2011
Stairways Software today released Mounties Feedback Trainer 1.0, a great way to train your ear to recognize various frequencies.

Stairways Software releases Desktop Calendar Maker 1.0 on the Mac App Store - 21 January 2011
Stairways Software today released Desktop Calendar Maker 1.0, a great new way to create customized desktop calendars.

Stairways Software releases Switcher Maestro 1.0 - 9 November 2010
Stairways Software today released Switcher Maestro 1.0, a great new way to launch applications on the Mac.

Stairways Software releases Keyboard Maestro 4.3.2 - 16 August 2010
Stairways Software today released Keyboard Maestro version 4.3.2 improving the look of some actions, improving typing performance, and more.

Stairways Software releases Keyboard Maestro 4.3.1 - 13 May 2010
Stairways Software today released Keyboard Maestro version 4.3.1 resolving some minor issues with scripts, device triggers, inserting text and more.

Stairways Software releases Keyboard Maestro 4.3 - 7 May 2010
Stairways Software today released Keyboard Maestro version 4.3 adding device triggers, allowing macros to be executed when you press modifiers, mouse buttons, and programable keyboards like X-Keys from P.I. Engineering, as well as allowing the results of AppleScripts and shell scripts to be typed or pasted directly and more.

Stairways Software releases Keyboard Maestro 4.2 - 30 March 2010
Stairways Software today released Keyboard Maestro version 4.2 finally living up to its name by adding MIDI triggers and actions, as well as an Execute Macro action, editing macros from the status menu or floating palette and more.

Stairways Software releases Keyboard Maestro 4.1.1 - 3 March 2010
Stairways Software today released Keyboard Maestro version 4.1.1 correcting a crashing bug in the Select Menu Item action and adding support for the editMacro AppleScript command.

Stairways Software releases Keyboard Maestro 4.1 - 22 February 2010
Stairways Software today released Keyboard Maestro version 4.1 adding an in-application tutorial, documentation, and welcome page, sorting by trigger, improved select menu action, and more.

Stairways Software releases Keyboard Maestro 4.0.2 - 28 January 2010
Stairways Software today released Keyboard Maestro version 4.0.2 resolving a number of issues.

Stairways Software releases Keyboard Maestro 4.0.1 - 22 December 2009
Stairways Software today released Keyboard Maestro version 4.0.1 resolving a number of issues.

Stairways Software releases Keyboard Maestro 4.0 - 8 December 2009
Stairways Software today released Keyboard Maestro version 4.0 with an entirely new and modernized user interface fit for Snow Leopard (while retaining compatibility with Leopard). The new interface draws on familiar Mac OS X applications to get you quickly devising your own macros.

Keyboard Maestro in TheMacBundles August Bundle - 6 August 2009
Keyboard Maestro, together with 11 other great Mac applications, is part of TheMacBundles August Bundle.

Stairways Software releases Keyboard Maestro 3.5 - 9 December 2008
Stairways Software today released Keyboard Maestro version 3.5 adding support for control from an iPhone or iPod touch, a shiny new Macro Palette, new Preferences and About windows, new actions to set the iTunes rating or the system or iTunes volume, and more.

Stairways Software releases Keyboard Maestro 3.4 - 18 August 2008
Stairways Software today released Keyboard Maestro version 3.4 adding a Typed String trigger so you can fire off macros when you type a matching string, shiny new Program and Window switchers that look similar to the more limited default system Program switcher, and more.

Stairways Software releases Keyboard Maestro 3.3 - 15 July 2008
Stairways Software today released Keyboard Maestro version 3.3 adding a Status Menu and Status Menu triggered macros, enable/disable for actions, Fast User Switch action, Cut/Copy/Paste/Duplicate for macros, triggers and actions, and optionally persistent clipboard history.

Stairways Software releases Keyboard Maestro 3.2 - 25 June 2008
Stairways Software today released Keyboard Maestro version 3.2 adding macro group palettes, integrated help, trigger on Wake, Script pseudo-trigger, Alert action and more.

Stairways Software releases Keyboard Maestro 3.1 - 29 May 2008
Stairways Software today released Keyboard Maestro version 3.1 adding clipboard history, clipboard filtering, AppleScript execution of arbitrary actions and more.

Stairways Software releases Keyboard Maestro 3.0.1 - 18 April 2008
Stairways Software today released Keyboard Maestro version 3.0.1 resolving a number of minor issues.

Stairways Software releases Keyboard Maestro 3.0 - 8 April 2008
Stairways Software today released Keyboard Maestro version 3.0 adding new ways to create macros, new ways to trigger macros, new actions, simplifications and an improved user interface.

Stairways Software releases Keyboard Maestro 2.1.3 - 14 November 2007
Stairways Software today released Keyboard Maestro version 2.1.3 restoring support for 10.3.9 and Intel native engine.

Stairways Software releases Keyboard Maestro 2.1.2 - 8 November 2007
Stairways Software today released Keyboard Maestro version 2.1.2 adding support for Leopard and resolving some minor bugs.

Stairways Software releases Keyboard Maestro 2.1.1 - 21 August 2007
Stairways Software today released Keyboard Maestro version 2.1.1 adding support for the extra function keys (F17-F19) included on the new Apple Keyboard.

Stairways Software releases Keyboard Maestro 2.1 - 17 July 2007
Stairways Software today released Keyboard Maestro version 2.1 adding Universal Binary Intel support and resolving a number of minor issues.

Nolobe acquires Interarchy from Stairways Software - 1 February 2007
In what amounts to an employee buyout, today Nolobe Pty Ltd acquired Interarchy from Stairways Software Pty Ltd.

Stairways Software releases Interarchy 8.2.2 - 30 October 2006
Stairways Software today released version 8.2.2 of Interarchy resolving a problem with Microsoft FTP servers.

Stairways Software releases Interarchy 8.2.1 - 26 October 2006
Stairways Software today released version 8.2.1 of Interarchy resolving a number of issues.

Stairways Software releases Interarchy 8.2 - 6 September 2006
Stairways Software today released version 8.2 of Interarchy adding Growl support, transparent file converters, Leopard compatibility and more.

Stairways Software releases Interarchy 8.1.1 - 29 June 2006
Stairways Software today released version 8.1.1 of Interarchy resolving a number of minor issues.

Stairways Software releases Interarchy 8.1 - 20 June 2006
Stairways Software today released version 8.1 of Interarchy adding support for Amazon S3 and multiple Auto Uploads.

Stairways Software releases Interarchy 8.0.1 - 27 April 2006
Stairways Software today released version 8.0.1 of Interarchy resolving a number of issues related to Intel Macs, WebDAV, non-ASCII characters, as well as other refinements.

Stairways Software releases Interarchy 8.0 - 28 March 2006
Stairways Software today released version 8.0 of Interarchy as a Universal Binary, adding support for WebDAV (including iDisks), HTTPS, SSL-TLS, Automator actions, Dashboard widgets, mirror dry runs, merge folder uploads, and a combined input window.

Stairways Software frees NetPresenz 4.1 and Assimilator 2.0.2 - 24 June 2005
Stairways Software today made NetPresenz 4.1 and Assimilator 2.0.2 freely available.

Stairways Software releases Keyboard Maestro 2.0.3 - 12 May 2005
Stairways Software today released version 2.0.3 of Keyboard Maestro, adding Tiger compatibility.

Stairways Software releases Interarchy 7.3.3 - 14 April 2005
Stairways Software today released version 7.3.3 of Interarchy, including the Japanese translation and fixing a number of bugs.

Stairways Software releases Interarchy 7.3.2 - 24 February 2005
Stairways Software today released version 7.3.2 of Interarchy, including the French translation and fixing a number of bugs.

Stairways Software releases Interarchy 7.3.1 - 19 January 2005
Stairways Software today released version 7.3.1 of Interarchy, fixing a crashing bug with input windows.

Stairways Software releases Interarchy 7.3 - 18 January 2005
Stairways Software today released version 7.3 of Interarchy, with updated column view and list parsing.

Stairways Software releases Keyboard Maestro 2.0.2 - 12 October 2004
Stairways Software today released version 2.0.2 of Keyboard Maestro, resolving some bugs.

Stairways Software releases Keyboard Maestro 2.0.1 - 8 October 2004
Stairways Software today released version 2.0.1 of Keyboard Maestro, resolving some bugs.

Stairways Software releases Keyboard Maestro 2.0 - 21 September 2004
Stairways Software today released version 2.0 of Keyboard Maestro, the eagerly awaited successor to the powerful productivity enhancer, providing macro shortcuts, program and clipboard switching.

Stairways Software releases Interarchy 7.2.1 - 5 August 2004
Stairways Software today released version 7.2.1 of Interarchy, fixing a Bookmarks Bar bug and problems with the French translation.

Stairways Software releases Interarchy 7.2 - 15 July 2004
Stairways Software today released version 7.2 of Interarchy, adding a Bookmarks Bar and Auto Upload.

Stairways Software Acquires Keyboard Maestro - 12 July 2004
Stairways Software today announced the acquisition of Keyboard Maestro from Michael Kampraph.

Stairways Software releases Interarchy 7.1.1 - 20 April 2004
Stairways Software today released version 7.1.1 of Interarchy, fixing a problem with the preferences window.

Stairways Software releases Interarchy 7.1 - 19 April 2004
Stairways Software today released version 7.1 of Interarchy, adding upload droplets and enhancing tabbed browsing.

Stairways Software releases Interarchy 7.0.1 - 5 March 2004
Stairways Software today released version 7.0.1 of Interarchy, adding localization support and enhancing the user interface.

Stairways Software releases Interarchy 7.0 - 17 February 2004
Stairways Software today released version 7.0 of Interarchy, becoming Mac OS X-only, enhancing the user interface, adding tabbed browsing and Icon View.

Stairways Software releases Interarchy 6.0 - 30 October 2002
Stairways Software today released version 6.0 of Interarchy, adding support for SFTP, Queues and Scheduling, long files, filenames and URLs.

Stairways Software releases Interarchy 5.0 - 20 August 2001
Stairways Software today released version 5.0 of Interarchy, enhancing support for Mac OS X, mirroring and FTP/SSH.

Stairways Software releases Interarchy 4.0 - 14 December 2000
Stairways Software today released version 4.0 of Interarchy, renamed from Anarchie, and adding support for custom interface windows.

Stairways Software releases Anarchie Pro 3.5 - 2 December 1998
Stairways Software today released version 3.5 of Anarchie Pro, substantially enhancing the user interface.

Stairways Software releases Anarchie Pro 3.0 - 7 September 1998
Stairways Software today released version 3.0 of Anarchie Pro, adding support for HTTP, mirroring and resuming.

Stairways Software releases Anarchie 2.0 - 15 November 1996
Stairways Software today released version 2.0 of Anarchie, enhancing support for connectionless FTP.

Peter N Lewis announces Anarchie 1.2.1 - 9 July 1994
Peter N Lewis today announced the release of version 1.2.1 of Anarchie, fixing a bug with MacBinary recognition.

Peter N Lewis announces Anarchie 1.2 - 4 June 1994
Peter N Lewis today announced the release of version 1.2 of Anarchie, extending support for FTP browsing.

Peter N Lewis announces Anarchie 1.1 - 24 January 1994
Peter N Lewis today announced the release of version 1.1 of Anarchie, adding support for FTP browsing.

Peter N Lewis announces Anarchie 1.0 - 7 December 1993
Peter N Lewis today announced the release of the first version of Anarchie, an archie client for the Mac.

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